Beadwork - October - November 2015(1), Beadwork
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//-->16 I N S P I R I N G I D E A S F O R F A L L J E W E L R Y®INSPIRED DESIGNS FOR THE PASSIONATE BEADERSuperDuo SplendorMake these sturdy& stylish banglesmake thisBRACELETwith a kitFOR DETAILS,SEE P. 52HubbleStitchLearn this NEWtechniquep. 16CREATIVE INSPIRATION FROMtop artistsMeet Craft MavenCathe Holdenp. 21Go Beyond the Basicswith Kassie Shawp. 66SuperDuo SpiralBangle by Lisa KanOCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2015p. 22p. 26BEADWORKMAGAZINE.COMJohn Bead CorporationTel: (416)757-3287 | Toll Free: 1(888)755-9055 | E-mail: | www.johnbead.com2015STYLECREATE YOURCONTESTEnter your sparkling design to beeligible to win Swarovski®crystals!Contest opens October 1st – November 15th.Visit for information onhow to enter the contest and to download our eBookfor trend inspiration. Visit the below retailers to findthe newest Swarovski crystal innovations.FIREMOUNTAINGEMS.COMARTBEADS.COMFUSIONBEADS.COMRINGS-THINGS.COMDREAMTIMECREATIONS.COMSHIPWRECKBEADS.COMBEADAHOLIQUE.COMBLUEMUD.COMBEADWHOLESALER.COMALACARTECLASPS.COMRAINBOWSOFLIGHT.COMJEWELRYSUPPLY.COMBEADUCATION.COMEUREKACRYSTALBEADS.COMWINTER TRENDS DESIGNDesigned bySusan KazarianCREATE-YOUR-STYLE.COMFor more information about Swarovski crystalsscan QR-code with your SmartPhone or go 2015 VOLUME 18 NUMBER 6Designer of the Year Projects26 OPULENT OCTAHEDRON NECKLACECindy HolsclawCombine sparkling crystal rondelles withtwo-hole bars to create geometric beadedbeads, then string them with pearls for atruly opulent necklace30 FANCIFUL FEATHERS NECKLACEPenny DixonThis layered and textured necklace uses avariety of shaped beads for a fun fringedcollar with a decadent focal36 SIMPLICITY BRACELETBarbara Falkowitz and Amy HaftkowyczMake a trendy cuff that features earthycolors and a unique chain-and-toggleclosure for an easily customized fitFeature22PATTERN PLAY:INCA GOLDBRACELETCarole E. HanleyProjects40VIDEO PREVIEW:CIRCLE EARRINGSMarcia DeCoster44 WILDFLOWER BOUQUET BRACELETDebora Hodoyer48 MODERN MANDALAS NECKLACEBeth A. Moser52 SUPERDUO SPIRAL BANGLELisa Kan56 POINT THE WAY EARRINGSGlorianne Ljubich60 OCEAN TREASURES BRACELETEvelína Palmontová64QUICK & EASY:STARRY-EYED RINGRisa Hoffman66BOOK EXCERPT:PALISADESKassie ShawStitch Indexbead embroidery 48brick stitch 22crimping 26herringbone stitch 56hubble stitch 16ladder stitch 22netting 30, 44, 60peyote stitch 26, 30, 36, 44, 52, 56, 60,64, 66right-angle weave 30, 40, 52, 64, 66stringing 26triangle weave 26Modern Mandalas Necklaceby Beth A. Moser
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