Bearden - Free book - New Tesla Electromagnetics and the Secrets of Electrical Free Energy (1984, Energy from the ...
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The Tom Bearden Website
The New Tesla Electromagnetics and the Secrets of Electrical Free Energy
By T.E. Bearden
© 1984
Table of Contents
Comments on the New Tesla Electromagnetics:
by T. E. Bearden
Comments on the New Tesla Electromagnetics:
by T. E. Bearden
by Dr. Rolf Schaffranke
- The Development of Post-
Relativistic Concepts in Physics and Advanced Technology
by Dr. Rolf Schaffrancke
The Tom Bearden Website
Part I: Discrepancies in Present EM Theory
© T. E. Bearden 1982
There are at least twenty-two major discrepancies presently existing in
conventional electromagnetics theory. This paper presents a summary
of those flaws, and is a further commentary on my discussion of scalar
longitudinal Tesla waves in a previous paper, "Solutions to Tesla's
Secrets and the Soviet Tesla Weapons," Tesla Book Company, 1981
and 1982.
I particularly wish to express my deep appreciation to two of my
friends and colleagues who at this time, I believe, wish to remain
anonymous. One of the two is an experimental genius who can
produce items on the bench that do not work by orthodox theory. The
second is a master of materials science and electromagnetics theory. I
thank them both for their exceptional contributions and stimuli
regarding potential shortcomings in present electromagnetics theory,
and their forbearance with the many discussions we have held on this
and related subjects.
It goes without saying that any errors in this paper are strictly my own,
and not the fault of either of my distinguished colleagues.
(1) In present electromagnetics theory, charge and charged mass are
falsely made identical. Actually, on a charged particle, the "charge" is
the flux of virtual particles on the "bare particle" of observable mass.
The charged particle is thus a "system" of true massless charge
coupled to a bare chargeless mass. The observable "mass" is static,
three-dimensional, and totally spatial. "Charge" is dynamic, four-
dimensional or more, virtual and spatiotemporal. Further, the charge
and observable mass can be decoupled, contrary to present theory.
Decoupled charge -- that is, the absence of mass -- is simply what we
presently refer to as "vacuum." Vacuum, spacetime, and massless
charge are all identical. Rigorously, we should utilize any of these
three as an "ether," as suggested for vacuum by Einstein himself (see
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Max Born,
Einstein's Theory of Relativity
, Revised Edition, Dover
Publications, New York, 1965, p. 224). And all three of them are
identically anenergy -- not energy, but more fundamental components
of energy.
(2) Electrostatic potential is regarded as a purely 3-dimensional spatial
. Instead, it is the intensity of a many-dimensional (at least four-
dimensional) virtual flux and a stress on all four dimensions of
spacetime. This is easily seen, once one recognizes that spacetime is
identically massless charge. (It is not "filled" with charge; rather, it is
charge!) Just as, in a gas under pressure, the accumulation of
additional gas further stresses the gas, the accumulation of charge
(spacetime) stresses charge (spacetime). Further, if freed from its
attachment to mass , charge can flow exclusively in time, exclusively
in space, or in any combination of the two. Tesla waves -- which are
scalar waves in pure massless charge flux itself -- thus can exhibit
extraordinary characteristics that ordinary vector waves do not
possess. And Tesla waves have extra dimensional degrees of freedom
in which to move, as compared to vector waves. Indeed, one way to
visualize a Tesla scalar wave is to regard it as a pure oscillation of time
(3) Voltage and potential are often confused in the
electrostatic case
or at least thought of as "composed of the same thing." For that reason,
voltage is regarded as "potential drop". This also is not true.
Rigorously, the potential is the intensity of the virtual particle flux at a
single point -- whether or not there is any mass at the point -- and both
the pressure and the point itself are spatiotemporal (4-dimensional),
not spatial (3-dimensional) as presently assumed. Voltage represents
the spatial intersection of the difference in the potential between two
separated spatial points, and always implies at least a miniscule flow
of mass current (that is what makes it spatial!). "Voltage" is spatial and
depends upon the presence of observable mass flow, while scalar
electrostatic potential is spatiotemporal and depends upon the absence
of observable mass flow. The two are not even of the same
(4) The charge of vacuum spacetime is assumed to be zero, when in
fact it is a very high value
. Vacuum has no mass, but it has great
massless charge and virtual particle charge flux. For proof that a
charged vacuum is the seat of something in motion, see G.M. Graham
and D.G. Lahoz, "Observation of static electromagnetic angular
momentum in vacuo," Nature, Vol. 285, 15 .May 1980, pp. 154-155.
In fact,
vacuum IS charge
, and it is also "spacetime" and at
least four-dimensional.
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(5) Contrary to its present usage, zero is dimensional and relative in its
context. A three-dimensional spatial hole, for example, exists in time.
If we model time as a dimension, then the spatial hole has one
dimension in 4-space. So a spatial absence is a spatiotemporal
presence. In the vacuum 4-space, a spatial nothing is still a something.
The "virtual" concept and the mathematical concept of a derivative are
simply two present ways of unconsciously addressing this fundamental
problem of the dimensional relativity of zero.
(6) The concepts of "space" and "time" imply that spacetime (vacuum)
has been separated into two parts. We can only think of a space as
"continuing to exist in time " To separate vacuum spacetime into two
pieces, an operation is continually required. The operator that
accomplishes this splitting operation is the photon interaction, the
interaction of vector electromagnetic energy or waves with mass. I
have already strongly pointed out this effect and presented a "raindrop
model" of first-order physical change itself in my book, The Excalibur
Briefing, Strawberry Hill Press, San Francisco, 1980, pp. 128-130.
(7) "Vector magnetic potential" is assumed to be always an aspect of
(and connected to) the magnetic field. In fact it is a separate,
fundamental field of nature and it can be entirely disconnected from
the magnetic field. See Richard P. Feynman et al, The Feynman
Lectures on Physics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New York,
1964, Vol. II, pp. 15-8 to 15-14. Curiously, this fact has been proven
for years' yet it has been almost completely ignored in the West. The
"Vx" operator, when applied to the A-field, makes B-field. If the Vx
operator is not applied, the "freed" A-field possesses much-expanded
characteristics from those presently allowed in the "bound" theory.
Specifically, it becomes a scalar or "shadow vector" field; it is not a
normal vector field. (note: for V read inverted capital Delta)
(8) The speed of light in vacuum is assumed to be a fundamental
constant of nature. Instead it is a function of the intensity of the
massless charge flux (that is, of the magnitude of the electrostatic
potential) of the vacuum in which it moves. (Indeed, since vacuum and
massless charge are one and the same, one may say that the speed of
light is a function of the intensity of the spatiotemporal vacuum!). The
higher the flux intensity (charge) of the vacuum, the faster the speed of
light in it. This is an observed fact and already shown by hardcore
measurements. For example, distinct differences actually exist in the
speed of light in vacuo, when measured on the surface of the earth as
compared to measurements in space away from planetary masses. In a
vacuum on the surface of the earth, light moves significantly faster.
For a discussion and the statistics, see B. N. Belyaev, "On Random
Fluctuations of the Velocity of Light in Vacuum," Soviet Physics
The Tom Bearden Website
, No. 11, Nov. 1980, pp. 37-42 (original in Russian; translation
by Plenum Publishing Corporation.) The Russians have used this
knowledge for over two decades in their strategic psychotronics
(energetics) program; yet hardly a single U.S. scientist is aware of the
measured variation of c in vacuo. In fact, most Western scientists
simply cannot believe it when it is pointed out to them!
(9) Energy is considered fundamental and equivalent to work. In fact,
energy arises from vector processes, and it can be disassembled into
more fundamental (anenergy) scalar components, since the vectors
can. These scalar components individually can be moved to a distant
location without expending work, since one is not moving force
vectors. There the scalar components can be joined and reassembled
into vectors to provide "free energy" appearing at a distance, with no
loss in between the initial and distant points. For proof that a vector
field can be replaced by (and considered to be composed of) two scalar
fields, see E. T. Whittaker,
Proceedings of the London Mathematical
Society, Volume 1, 1903, p. 367. By extension, any vector wave can
be replaced by two coupled scalar waves.
(10) The classical Poynting vector predicts no longitudinal wave of
energy from a time-varying, electrically charged source, In fact, an
exact solution of the problem does allow this longitudinal wave
. See T.
D. Keech and J. F. Corum, "A New Derivation for the Field of a Time-
Varying Charge in Einstein's Theory," International Journal of
Theoretical Physics, Vol. 20, No, 1, 1981, pp. 63-68 for the proof.
(11) The present concepts of vector and scalar are severely limited,
and do not permit the explicit consideration of the internal, finer-
grained structures of a vector or a scalar. That is, a fundamental
problem exists with the basic assumptions in the vector mathematics
itself. The "space'' of a vector field, for example, does not have inter-
nested sublevels (subspaces) containing finer "shadow vectors" or
"virtual vectors," Yet particle physics has already discovered that
electrical reality is built that way. Thus one should actually use a
"hypernumber" theory after the manner of Charles Musés. A scalar is
filled with (and composed of) nested levels of other "spaces''
containing vectors, where these sum to "zero" in the ordinary
observable frame without an observable vector resultant. In Musés'
mathematics, for example, zero has real roots. Real physical devices
can be -- and have been -constructed in accordance with Muses'
theory. For an introduction to Musés' profound hypernumbers
approach, see Charles Musés' foreword to Jerome Rothstein,
Organization and Science
, The Falcon's Wing Press,
Indian Hills, Colorado, 1958. See also Charles Musés, "Applied
Hypernumbers: Computational Concepts," Applied Mathematics and
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