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The Tom Bearden Website
The Tom Bearden Website
Largely taken from the author's presentation, "Mechanism for Long-Term
Cumulative Biological Effects of EM Radiation," 70th Annual Meeting of
the Alabama Academy of Science, University of Alabama at Huntsville, 25
March 1993.
T.E. Bearden
Association of Distinguished American Scientists
POB 1472
Huntsville, Alabama 35807
Both postulates in the conventional EM bioeffects model are in error,
as is the classical electromagnetics model (CEM) itself. Major errors
in CEM are presented. The QM view is taken that all EM
phenomena are caused by the potentials, not the force fields. Using
the Whittaker/Ziolkowski (WZ) internal structure of the scalar
potential, Bohm's quantum potential and an engineerable variant of
his hidden variable theory emerge. A strong candidate emerges for
the internal mechanisms used for mind, thought, long term memory,
and deep cellular control by Popp's master cellular control system.
An environmental negative feedback mechanism is stated for long-
term, cumulative causative mutation, yielding Sheldrake's
morphogenetic field, which is a species quantum potential. Utilizing
the new EM bioeffects model, Kaznacheyev's demonstration that any
cellular death or disease can be caused electromagnetically is
explained. A new definition for cancer is advanced, as is a long-term
cumulative mechanism that causes it. The mechanism for
in laboratory animals under
rigorous scientific protocols is explained. A solution for the major
cumulative mechanism for biological effects of EM fields and
 The Tom Bearden Website
radiation is presented. A self-targeting mechanism is presented
whereby complex WZ EM biwave pumping of the "cell as a
nonlinear phase conjugate mirror material" produces an exact EM
antidote signal for the specific cellular disease. It is argued that
inexpensive, quick, nondebilitating, cures can be developed for most
major dread diseases, including cancer, arteriosclerosis, and AIDS.
Priore's remarkable and previously unexplained cures of terminal
tumors in lab animals are cited as examples of applying the new
model, albeit unwittingly.
The Basic EM Bioeffects Model Is In Error
As is well-known, the field of EM fields and radiation effects on
biological systems is actually in something of a shambles. In over 40
years of studies and experiments by careful researchers, the results
are inconsistent, contradictory, and usually difficult or sometimes
impossible to replicate. Attempted replications often give
contradictory results, erratically. Researchers cannot rigorously
answer even the simplest question, such as "Does power line
radiation contribute to the incidence of cancer and leukemia, and if
so, how and under what circumstances?" Causative mechanisms
have so far eluded research. Powerful vested interests fund many of
the studies. Consequently a great deal of controversy exists in the
field. Opinions and positions range from the ''microwave oven"
position that "if it doesn't appreciably heat tissue, it doesn't harm
biological organisms," to the "total fear" position that "any and all
non-ionizing radiation is harmful; we just don't know by what
mechanism." Legal actions to limit human EM radiation exposure
are increasingly being initiated by concerned citizens' groups.
What has actually been "proven" by the nearly fruitless EM
bioeffects effort to date is that the fundamental EM bioeffects model
being utilized by the researchers is totally inadequate for the
If that is true, then 40 more years of continuing to apply
the same inadequate model isn't going to make very much additional
progress. Further, if the fundamental model is faulted, then what is
needed is a detailed examination of
model to discover and correct
those foundation faults.
In tackling this model foundations problem, I have performed a
systems engineering layout of the fundamental EM bioeffects model,
and stated its two major postulates. Both postulates turn out to be in
The Tom Bearden Website
error! Immediately one can easily see
the field is in such a state
of confusion. However, no true systems engineer would stop there. I
have also performed a systems engineering layout of precise
corrections for the two postulates, thereby correcting and extending
the model so that it can yield consistent, replicable results and
causative mechanisms. All of this is a rigorous procedure, and
straightforward systems engineering methodology.
However, the results point to profound changes, which I have been
immersed in deeply studying for quite some time. Out of this
approach has emerged something quite fundamental:
a strong
candidate for the internal mechanisms used for mind, thought, long
term memory, and the deep cellular control system for all cells of the
A mechanism for species adaptation also emerges that is quite
capable of explaining (and yielding) long-term directed mutation,
including the "species jump," where a species such as a bird emerges
in short order (not gradually) from a species such as a reptile. The
known "species jump" has been a deep mystery to evolution theory,
which simply could not explain it. Another thing that has emerged is
a startling new
causative mechanism for cancer,
leukemia, etc. At the June 1993 Brain-Mind Symposium in Los
Angeles, I will present that exact mechanism. The mechanism is
capable of laboratory test, and validation or falsification. We will
also present an entirely new approach to EM effects on biological
organisms, and present the major new mechanism involved. The new
mechanism has fundamental application to the theory of diseases,
and offers potential curative mechanisms for dread diseases such as
cancer, arteriosclerosis, and AIDS. I explain some of the necessary
background in the following paragraphs.
Classical Electromagnetics is Seriously Flawed
As is well-known, there exist severe contradictions between classical
electromagnetics (CEM), general relativity (GR), and quantum
mechanics (QM). As presently constructed the three disciplines
cannot be unified, even by Herculean efforts. Particularly with
respect to the primary causative agents for electromagnetic
phenomena, the foundations of QM and of CEM are in profound
disagreement. CEM assumes
the forcefields
as primary causes,
paying only lip service to the potentials and treating them as
primarily mathematical conveniences. QM, on
other hand, has
long since [since 1959] shown that the force fields are simply
The Tom Bearden Website
in and on the charged particle system, and are not causes. Instead,
QM has shown that the
are the primary causes of all EM
phenomena. In charged particle systems, potentials can interfere and
cause observable EM phenomena such as the Aharonov-Bohm effect
in the complete absence of the force fields. Herein lies
reason for
the present dire straits of EM bioeffects research. We explain further:
CEM theory was originally formulated by James Clerk Maxwell in
terms of quaternions. Note that quaternion algebra has a much higher
topology than either vectors or tensors, the mathematics in which
CEM is presently expressed. None of the present "Maxwell's
equations" _ universally taught as due to Maxwell _ ever appeared in
anything by Maxwell himself. Depending upon what you wish to call
a fundamental equation, Maxwell's true equations are the numerous
equations included in one almost incomprehensible
chapter of his 1873 book. The present four "Maxwell's Equations"
are in fact due mostly to Oliver Heaviside, and to a lesser extent to
Gibbs and Hertz. The major player was Heaviside, a very brilliant
but self-educated man who never attended University.
At the time Maxwell's book was published, Heaviside was just
teaching himself calculus and differential equations. Seeing the
book, he was electrified by it, and Maxwell became his undying
hero. Maxwell died not long after, of stomach cancer.
Heaviside believed _ as did almost every scientist at the time _ in the
older medieval tradition that
were the causes of all physical
effects. He had great difficulty with the potentials, stating that they
"mystical and should be murdered from the theory."
We know
today in modern quantum field theory that forces are effects, not
primary causes of anything. In fact, it is the exchange of virtual
particles with a mass that generates all forces upon it. As is well-
known to foundations physicists today, "force" does not exist
without the mass present to be acted upon, and without the action of
a potential gradient upon the mass. We know that there are no force
fields in the vacuum, and hence potential gradients in the vacuum are
not forces, even though they are commonly assumed to be. CEM has
not been corrected for these glaring defects: it prescribes force fields
in the vacuum, and it prescribes that potential gradients are forces,
even in the absence of any mass for the gradients to act upon.
Heaviside also abhorred the quaternion theory. The coupling of a
scalar component with three directional components was, in his
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